Remember the marginalised, chief justice says on Waitangi Day

Kimiora Kaire-Melbourne and Wikitōria Day reporting for Māori Television from Waitangi.

Kimiora Kaire-Melbourne and Wikitōria Day reporting for Māori Television from Waitangi.

Māori Television’s Rereātea brings you the latest news on New Zealand’s Waitangi Day 2017.

Today Kimiora Kaire-Melbourne and Wikitōria Day take you through the top stories of the day — live from Waitangi.

Watch the livestream bulletins on the Māori Television website throughout the day.

About 1000 of people attended a dawn service at Waitangi, during which political representatives and other leaders were invited to offer words of wisdom and prayers.

Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias prayed for the granting of wisdom to keep to the vision of those who signed the treaty in 1840, Radio New Zealand reports.

She said when celebrating the birthday of the nation it was timely to remember those who are troubled and those who are marginalised in society.

Founding document
The Treaty of Waitangi  — Tiriti o Waitangi — is a treaty signed on 6 February 1840 by colonial representatives of the British Crown and more than Māori chiefs from various iwi (tribes) of New Zealand.

It resulted in the declaration of British sovereignty over New Zealand by Lieutenant Governor William Hobson in May 1840 and is regarded as the founding document of modern New Zealand based on bicultural partnership.

However, Māori believe they only ceded to the Crown a right of governance in return for protection, without giving up their authority to manage their own affairs.

The date is an annual day of reflection and heated debate about nationhood.

Prime Minister Bill English declined to go to Waitangi this year, hosting a breakfast at Orakei marae in Auckland instead.