West Papuan documentary screened in UK cinemas


Two screenings of the award-winning documentary The Road to Home, which follows the life of West Papuan independence leader and lawyer Benny Wenda and his peaceful struggle to liberate his people from colonial rule, have been held in United Kingdom cinemas.

The first screening was held on October 30 at the Deptford Cinema, London, a community cinema with a longstanding following.

People were inspired at learning about the forgotten struggle in West Papua and were eager to learn how they could help.

Another screening of the film was held last week at St Margaret’s House in Bethnal Green.

The event brought together scores of people, including from the UK’s Pacific Islands community who were inspired to learn of the West Papuan struggle firsthand after watching the film.

A Q and A session followed with Benny Wenda afterwards.

West Papuan band The Lani Singers also played West Papuan songs of freedom and a Free West Papua stall was held.

Copies of The Road To Home can be ordered through the Free West Papua website here and copies of the award-winning West Papua documentary Forgotten Bird of Paradise (by the same filmmaker) can also be ordered here.