Both Fiji daily newspapers perform useful roles, says FMA

Stanley Simpson ... Fiji Times and Fiji Sun "balancing each other". Image: Fiji One TV

By Tevita Vuibau in Suva

The Fiji Times and Fiji Sun perform useful roles in Fiji society by balancing each other, says an executive of the Fiji Media Association.

Stanley Simpson made these comments after viewing a summary of results for the latest Tebbutt/Times poll on public perceptions of the two newspapers.

“I believe both are attracting their own loyal and core readers based on their content and The Fiji Times‘ rich history and wider outlook has continued to give it the edge,” Simpson said.

“However, the Fiji Sun has shown itself to be adaptive and responsive to the current political and market environment and has made inroads.”

He said the divide in the readership of the two newspapers was being sharply defined between those who trusted The Fiji Times and those who trusted the Fiji Sun.

He added both played important roles in providing information and different perspectives, but readers needed to be critical of all information they consumed from the two.

“It will be healthy for people to remain critical about what they read in both newspapers, but appreciate that both newspapers are working hard to gain their attention and loyalty, and a lot of effort is being put into this,” he said.

“People will individually work out who is serving them best — and that is the beauty of media freedom and having a competitive media industry,” Simpson added.

Fiji Times a better newspaper