Iwi don’t have Treaty right on TPP issues, says Turei – protests today

Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei ... "we risk being sued." Image: Waatea News.com

From Waatea News

Greens co-leader Metiria Turei says the Treaty of Waitangi protection clause in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement isn’t as strong as the New Zealand government claims it is.

Concern over whether the 12-country pact will hamper the crown’s ability to protect Māori interests under the Treaty is driving Māori opposition.

The government says it has negotiated a Treaty of Waitangi exemption into all the trade deals it has negotiated over the past decade.

But Turei says the Greens’ analysis shows it does not give iwi Māori any right to have a say over issues that affect them.

“If the implementation of the treaty is contrary to the TPPA, either government won’t implement it or we risk being sued by companies overseas who see profits being lost because of that implementation.

“THe classic example is WAI 262, our interests in fauna and flora here in New Zealand, all of that becomes much more difficult under the TPPA.”

Turei says despite the Prime Minister’s assurances, Pharmac will also be adversely affected because the TPPA means the government drug-buying agency will have to set up an expensive review process to allow outside parties to appeal against its choices.

The TPPA will be signed by trade ministers in Auckland tomorrow.

>> Listen now to Metiria Turei on Waatea radio

Live streaming today
The Daily Bloglogo and Waatea News will be live streaming protest actions today.

On the hour, they will have live radio coverage and a scrolling twitter account using #TPPabuse as the hashtag.

The live screen with Waatea News will load on the front page of TDB and will start from the 9am blockade and cover the large demonstration at midday.

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