Tourism Fiji wins Travel Digest Travel Industry Awards 2015

Image: Fiji One TV

Report by the Pacific Media Centre in Nadi

Tourism Fiji New Zealand Regional Office has won the Travel Digest Travel Industry Awards 2015 in the “National Tourism Office of the Year” category, nominated by the readers of New Zealand’s leading travel industry magazine.

The announcement was made on Friday 4 December.

Now in its eight year, Travel Digest Travel Industry Awards are regarded as the highest achievement for a New Zealand-based travel company and/or individual. The awards acknowledge and recognise excellence in the travel and tourism industry.

According to Travel Digest, the votes for the awards are cast by tourism professionals from travel companies, travel colleges, travel agencies, tour and hospitality operators and tourism companies throughout New Zealand.

Travel Digest said: “Tourism Fiji has had a very successful year, starting with its Frontliners Weekend in February in Fiji.

“More than 1000 agents participated across three national (NZ) roadshows this year and the relaunched Matai Programme has grown more than 60 percent in membership since the beginning of the year.”

Tourism Fiji New Zealand regional director Wayne Deed said: “Tourism Fiji is very excited to receive this award and to see the trade so engaged with the destination. With lots of new products coming online, we have a new story to tell.

“It has been particularly rewarding to see some agents, not having been to Fiji for a number of years, being ‘blown-away’ by the new hotels, resorts and activities now available.”

According to the Fiji Bureau of Statistics, 119,334 New Zealanders visited Fiji from January to October 2015, making 19 percent of the total number of total visitor arrivals to Fiji.

New Zealand remains the second largest tourism market for Fiji.