Tags Posts tagged with "West Papua National Liberation Army"

Tag: West Papua National Liberation Army

Asia Pacific Report A brutal killing of three Papuan civilians in Puncak Jaya reveals that occupied West Papua is a ticking time bomb under Indonesian...

By Caleb Fotheringham, RNZ Pacific journalist All parties, including West Papuan pro-independence fighters who took Phillip Mehrtens hostage, want the New Zealand pilot released but...

RNZ Pacific More videos appear to have been released by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) showing New Zealand hostage Phillip Mehrtens. The New Zealander...

ANALYSIS: By Ali Mirin Papua New Guinea and Indonesia have formally ratified a defence agreement a decade after its initial signing. PNG’s Foreign Minister Justin Tkatchenko...

RNZ Pacific The New Zealand government is again calling on the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) to release the kidnapped pilot Phillip Mehrtens. Tomorrow will...

Asia Pacific Report The state of civic space in Indonesia has been rated as "obstructed" in the latest CIVICUS Monitor report. The civic space watchdog said...

Jubi News The Human Rights Lawyers Association (PAHAM) Papua has demanded a "thorough and impartial" investigation into the death of Michelle Kurisi, a civilian involved...

An Australian academic has lit the fuse of diplomatic fury by publicly criticising Indonesia’s brutal response to the Papuan independence movement, a sensitive topic...

RNZ Pacific Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has called again for the immediate release of New Zealand pilot Phillip Mehrtens, who has now been held hostage...

By Singgih Wiryono in Jakarta Indonesia's former National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik says it is difficult to expect Komnas HAM...

ANALYSIS: By Damien Kingsbury, Deakin University New Zealand pilot Phillip Mehrtens has now been held hostage in West Papua for four months. Stalled attempts to...

By Finau Fonua, RNZ Pacific journalist The West Papuan Council of Churches says New Zealand hostage pilot Phillip Mehrtens' life is in danger if negotiations...

There are parallels between Indonesia’s Aceh where an Australian surfer faced a flogging, and West Papua where a New Zealand pilot may be facing...

Asia Pacific Report Free Papua Organisation (OPM) leader Jeffrey Bomanak has appealed for Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape to become a "neutral intermediary"...

Asia Pacific Report An Australian author-poet and advocate for West Papuan independence has condemned a reported threat against the life of a New Zealand hostage...

Asia Pacific Report Free Papua Organisation (OPM) leader Jeffrey Bomanak has appealed to US President Joe Biden for a “proactive role” in ending Indonesia’s “unlawful...

Asia Pacific Report A New Zealand advocacy group has appealed to the government to heed the call of West Papuan church leaders for Indonesia to...

By David Robie As part of an Indonesian-backed disinformation and troll campaign against West Papuan pro-independence advocates, a Facebook page has emerged making bitter and...

Jubi News in Jayapura Church leaders across denominations in Papua have urged President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to stop military operations and to promote a humanitarian...

Asia Pacific Report Indonesian security forces have intensified operations in various conflict areas in West Papua, reports Human Rights Monitor. According to information received by the...

By Singgih Wiryono in Jakarta An Indonesian human rights researcher has cricitised his government's failure to negotiate with West Papuan rebels, saying security officials should...

By Stefan Armbuster of SBS World News Indonesia’s military confirms one soldier was killed and more are unaccounted for after clashes with the West Papua...