Tag: Te Tiriti
The Voice isn’t apartheid or a veto over Parliament – this...
ANALYSIS: By Dominic O'Sullivan, Charles Sturt University
Many different arguments for and against the Voice to Parliament have been heard in the lead-up to this...
Australians should be wary of scare stories about New Zealand’s Waitangi Tribunal
ANALYSIS: By Michael Belgrave, Massey University
Australian Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price’s recent claim that New Zealand’s Waitangi Tribunal has veto powers over Parliament was met...
NZ universities are not normal Crown institutions – they shouldn’t be ‘Tiriti-led’
ANALYSIS: By Dominic O'Sullivan, Charles Sturt University
As part of its aspiration to be “Tiriti-led”, the University of Otago has embarked on a consultation process...
Health NZ chair fired over ‘political’ post, but says govt ‘overreacted’
Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand's board chairperson Rob Campbell has been sacked over a political attack he made about the opposition National Party's...
Prime Minister Hipkins welcomes less politics, more commemoration on Waitangi Day
RNZ News
New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has described today's Waitangi Day dawn service as moving and says he welcomes the shift away from...
NZ’s Waitangi Day 2023 – why Article 3 of the Treaty...
ANALYSIS: By Alexander Gillespie, University of Waikato; Claire Breen, University of Waikato, and Valmaine Toki, University of Waikato
The heated (and often confused) debate about...
Countering terrorism hui in Aotearoa – vital but why marginalise media?
ANALYSIS: By Khairiah A. Rahman
"On the ground, there is a sense of disquiet and distrust of the organisers’ motivations for the hui, as some...
Dominic O’Sullivan: The role of Te Tiriti in boosting local government
ANALYSIS: By Professor Dominic O'Sullivan
At this year’s local government elections, average voter turnout was 36 percent. This is comparable to the 2019 figure. It...
Perceptions over NZ’s public interest journalism project – saint or sinner?
SPECIAL REPORT: By Sri Krishnamurthi for Asia-Pacific Report
“Public interest journalism plays a crucial role in promoting the quality of public life, protecting individuals from...
NZ media fund gives boost to new Māori journalism projects, training
RNZ Mediawatch
The first tranche of the New Zealand government’s $55 million Public Interest Journalism Fund has been allocated - against a backdrop of criticism...
Waitangi Day: Emerging Generation B changes face of Aotearoa
SPECIAL REPORT: Koro Vaka'uta, an RNZ Pacific journalist, reports on a Māori-Pasifika culture shift in Aotearoa New Zealand as the country today marks 181...
Academics call for action over ‘racism’ allegations at University of Waikato
By Te Aniwa Hurihanganui, RNZ News Te Manu Korihi reporter
Allegations of casual and structural racism within the University of Waikato have been met with...