Tags Posts tagged with "Puncak Jaya"

Tag: Puncak Jaya

Asia Pacific Report A brutal killing of three Papuan civilians in Puncak Jaya reveals that occupied West Papua is a ticking time bomb under Indonesian...

Asia Pacific Report A West Papuan pro-independence leader has accused Indonesia of new human rights atrocities this week while the republic has apparently elected a...

Jubi News in Jayapura Indonesia's Papua police chief Inspector-General Mathius D Fakhiri has called for action to ensure that "security disturbances" in the Puncak Jaya...

IndoLeft News The West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) has warned the Papuan people not to trust that the TNI (Indonesian military) and...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Indonesia is unleashing a massive military crackdown in West Papua with the use of "demon troops" and spurning human rights, warns...