Tags Posts tagged with "Police brutality"

Tag: Police brutality

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk Indonesian police have apologised for wrapping a snake around an indigenous Papuan they suspected of theft, reports The Jakarta Post. A video...

Scott Waide's blog highlights an open letter by Genesis Ketan, director of news, PNGFM: As director of News for PNGFM, I am very disappointed at...

By Arnold Belau in Jayapura Police have violently broken up a peaceful action being held by the Indonesian People's Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) in...

By Pia Ranada in Manila President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines has cited the power of the state to act as parents of persons needing...

Refugees and asylum seekers on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island have suffered repeated violent attacks and robberies by locals, says Human Rights Watch. Video:...