Tag: Nuclear bombs
Four decades after Rongelap evacuation, Greenpeace makes new plea for nuclear...
Asia Pacific Report
In the year marking 40 years since the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior by French secret agents and 71 years since the...
Advocate slams NZ snub of Nagasaki peace tribute as ‘outrageous’
By Mick Hall
A leading peace campaigner is calling Aotearoa New Zealand’s decision to stay away from a peace event in Nagasaki paying tribute to...
Ukraine a year on – how the invasion changed NZ foreign...
ANALYSIS: By Alexander Gillespie, University of Waikato
One year to the day since Russian tanks ran over the Ukraine border -- and over the UN...
Bid for US Congress to acknowledge nuclear tests ‘darkest chapter’ in...
RNZ Pacific
Three members of the United States Congress have introduced a resolution to recognise the legacy of US nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands.
Mā’ohi Nui’s search for nuclear justice – the French ‘reset’ button...
SPECIAL REPORT: By Ena Manuireva and Tony Fala
On 27 May 2021, a significant event took place in Rwanda where French President Emmanuel Macron asked...
Macron hosts French ‘truth and justice’ Pacific nuclear test legacy talks
By Walter Zweifel, RNZ Pacific reporter
While a Paris roundtable about the legacy of nuclear tests at Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls is eagerly awaited by...
Temaru calls for Tahiti nuclear tests roundtable in New York –...
RNZ Pacific
French Polynesia's pro-independence leader Oscar Temaru says high-level talks on France's nuclear legacy due in Paris this month should be held at the...
Echoes of the Rainbow Warrior – have the lessons been learned?
SPECIAL REPORT: The sinking of the Rainbow Warrior happened 35 years ago this year. The event had ramifications across the Pacific, and politicised a...
Editor tells how US nuclear testing legacy ‘festers on’ in Marshall...
By RNZ Saturday Morning
The US detonated its largest nuclear bombs around the Marshall Islands in the 1940s and 1950s - but the Marshallese are...
Pacific bombs, nuclear weapons and the Rongelap evacuation
Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk
Thirty five years ago this week in another life Pacific Media Centre director Professor David Robie was an environmental journalist on...
Gallery: A peaceful day remembering the horrendous fate of Nagasaki
Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk
This week marks the 74th anniversary of the United States atomic bombings of Japan, bringing with it the annual renewed debate...