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Tag: Maori health

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk A Māori political leader has branded opposition neoliberal ACT leader David Seymour's act this week undermining an indigenous response to New...

LOCAL DEMOCRACY REPORTING: By Moana Ellis, Local Democracy Reporter The national strategy of vaccinating against covid-19 through general and mass events is not working for...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Days after being condemned by the largest Pacific Island capital -- Port Moresby, the Economist's Global Liveability Index has been criticised...

COMMENT: By Rukuwai Tīpene-Allan “Welfare dependent”, “inferior”, “savages”, “natives”... Walking through Parliament, I head to my office in the press gallery, passing gilded portraits of reporters...

By Te Aorewa Rolleston, RNZ News Te Ao Māori affairs The National iwi chairs forum has put forward six recommendations to the New Zealand government...

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk Auckland, 4pm Saturday, August 15: 50,000 vehicles stopped, less than 700 turned back. These statistics yesterday were "frightening", says Hone Harawira of...

By Sri Krishnamurthi of Pacific Media Watch Pacific health specialist Dr Collin Tukuitonga is worried that the latest community transmission of covid-19 in Aotearoa New...

By Hayden Donnell, RNZ Mediawatch producer You might not know his face, but Māori Television’s Heta Gardiner has been one of the most valuable and...

By Leigh-Marama McLachlan, Māori affairs correspondent of RNZ News There has been a surge in the rate of Māori being tested for the covid-19 coronavirus...

By RNZ News The vulnerable health of an urbanised Māori and Pasifika population was among reasons for extending the country's alert level 4 lockdown, the...

Pacific Media Watch New Zealand's Ministry of Health has confirmed that out of the 514 Covid-19 cases to date, approximately 4 percent of those cases...