Fun, community activism and Rotuman language on the airwaves

Ernestina Maro and Rachael Mario in the Pacific Media Network studios
Ernestina Maro and Rachael Mario in the Pacific Media Network studios in Auckland. Image: Auckland Rotuman Fellowship

Asia Pacific Report

Pacific Media Network broadcaster and community activist Ernestina Maro (left) and Auckland Rotuman Fellowship Group chair Rachael Mario share the microphone to talk up Rotuman Language Week events.

Cultural and social justice events feature in the eight day programme.

Last night the Titiri o Waitangi legacy and Rotuman community responses were aired at the Rotuman Community Centre and Whānau Hub in Auckland’s Mount Roskill.

Tonight Polynesian Panthers co-founder Will ‘Ilolahia spoke about the 1970s Dawn Raids era and the latest “raids’ controversy.

Among the interesting insights that ‘Ilolahia shared about the legacy of the Polynesian Panthers in education, human rights and social justice was the philosophy about the “panthers” themselves.

“The nature of the panther is that he never attacks,” ‘Ilolahia said.

“But if anyone attacks him or backs him into a corner, the panther somes up to wipe that aggressor or attacker out — absolutely, resolutely, wholly, thoroughly and completely!”

A slide from Will 'Ilolahia's talk tonight
A slide from Will ‘Ilolahia’s talk tonight as part of the Auckland Rotuman Friendship Group’s Rotuman Language Week. Image: Will ‘Ilolahia