PNG’s Mt Hagen to launch tough new rules to ‘clean up’ city

Mt Hagen's new rules
Mt Hagen's new rules . . . no more street sales within the CBD. Image: PNG Post-Courier

By Pearson Kolo in Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea

Authorities at Papua New Guinea’s Western Highlands provincial capital Mt Hagen City will soon launch tough new local rules and bylaws to “clean up” the urban area.

The Mt Hagen City Authority and the police have conducted five weeks of awareness on the laws and rules and that ended a fortnight ago.

Vendors however are using this grace period — before the launching and implementation of the new laws — to make some fast money.

A total of 21 rules for Mt Hagen City will be launched effective immediately.

The rules include:

  • no street sales of any form within the CBD of Mt Hagen City;
  • no carrying of offensive weapons into town;
  • no consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs in town; and
  • a decent dressing code

According to the Mt Hagen City Authority, people who break any of these rules will be fined K1000 (NZ$460) or spend six months in prison.

Meanwhile, the city is getting a facelift as new buildings are being erected.

This follows two new buildings slowly undergoing construction at the same time in the heart of the city which will change the urban image after their completion.

One building replaces the old Mepla Haus Kai that went up in flames last year while the other replaces the old ANZ bank that was demolished.

Mt Hagen is the central hub of the entire upper highlands provinces and the new look will boost its attraction.

People from the upper highlands provinces — including Enga, Southern Highlands and Hela with the neighbouring Jiwaka and Chimbu provinces from the eastern end — flock to Mt Hagen to do their daily business activities.

Such new buildings will appealing to them and other visitors to Mt Hagen.

Pearson Kolo is a PNG Post-Courier reporter. Republished with permission.