Papua New Guinea Defence Force commander Major-General Mark Goina has issued a warning to all serving members of the PNGDF to “shape up or ship out”.
In light of the up coming Christmas and New Year operations, the commander has said that all soldiers — regardless of where they are serving — must conduct themselves in a disciplined manner.
In an interview with the Post-Courier, Major-General Goina said: “We issued certain instructions for behaviour.
“My advice to the servicemen and women, if you are drinking [and] under the influence of liquor, ensure you go back home and rest, don’t try to go out and do something you will regret, get yourself into trouble or it will be life threatening to you.
“My message is very clear: ‘if you drink go back home and rest, if you drink, don’t drive.’
“I do not want to see any PNGDF [servicemen] drunk and driving, and due to your recklessness cause the life of other persons.
Such behaviour ‘not tolerated’
I want to make this clear if you get into a fight [and] you injure a civilian or damage public property.
“I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour, and causing injuries to civilians.”
The message by the PNGDF commander is not new and has been repeated by every commander that has come and gone. However, it has fallen on deaf ears.
The Post-Courier understands that the issue of such directives is always been part of the working life of any soldier.
‘This end of year Post-Courier hopes such issues will not pop up again and we will be watching.”
Republished with permission.