Episode 1 one of the Let’s Talanoa series – “Know Your Vax”.
Asia Pacific Report newsdesk
New Zealand reported a record 129 new community cases of covid-19 today — the day after reaching triple digit figures for the first time.
Nine of today’s new cases are in Waikato, with the rest in Auckland.
Auckland remains at step 1 of alert level 3, and this will be reviewed on November 1, while parts of Waikato are also at alert level 3, to be reviewed on October 27.

A total of 102 community cases was reported yesterday.
Earlier today, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the covid-19 Protection Framework plan to help New Zealanders stay safe in the future.
“The delta variant has made it very hard for New Zealand to maintain its elimination strategy — and now we need people to be vaccinated to save lives,” reports the Ministry of Pacific Peoples.
“If you’re still weighing up whether to get vaccinated, check out our Let’s Talanoa video series.”
Open conversations
Aimed at Pacific people under 30, this video series promotes having open conversations about the covid-19 vaccine and why it is safe and important to get vaccinated.
The series is hosted by Dr Lesina Nakhid-Schuster and Rocky Lavea.
This week’s episode is “Know your Vax”, which you can view on our digital channels Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Visit here for a list of walk-in and drive-through vaccination locations.
Based on the advice of Professor David Skegg and the Public Health Advisory group, New Zealand’s goal is to minimise and protect.
Like the current alert level system, there will be three settings — green, orange and red — and it is designed to manage outbreaks and cases.
Visit here to learn about the new framework.