A View From Afar: How covid-19 has become a trigger of insecurity in Pacific


Asia Pacific Report newsdesk

In this episode of A View from Afar, Paul Buchanan and Selwyn Manning are joined by David Robie to discuss how covid-19 has become a trigger of instability in the wider Pacific region.

Dr Robie is editor of AsiaPacificReport.nz and a specialist in Melanesian and Pacific affairs.

In this, the first of a two-part special, we analyse how covid-19 has been a trigger of instability across the Pacific region.

And specifically, for this episode, we deep dive into instability in Melanesia focusing on:

  • Security issues in Papua New Guinea;
  • Indonesia’s interests in dividing regional groups such as the Melanesian Spearhead; Group (MSG); and
  • a security crisis that has developed in Fiji after the recent detention of nine politicians and activists who dared to criticise former military coup leader, Voreqe Bainimarama’s government.
Manning, Robie and Buchanan
Evening Report publisher Selwyn Manning (clockwise from top left), Asia Pacific Report editor Dr David Robie and global security analyst Dr Paul Buchanan at the start of today’s discussion. Image: APR screenshot