Asia Pacific Report newsdesk
In this episode of A View from Afar, Paul Buchanan and Selwyn Manning are joined by David Robie to discuss how covid-19 has become a trigger of instability in the wider Pacific region.
Dr Robie is editor of and a specialist in Melanesian and Pacific affairs.
In this, the first of a two-part special, we analyse how covid-19 has been a trigger of instability across the Pacific region.
And specifically, for this episode, we deep dive into instability in Melanesia focusing on:
- Security issues in Papua New Guinea;
- Indonesia’s interests in dividing regional groups such as the Melanesian Spearhead; Group (MSG); and
- a security crisis that has developed in Fiji after the recent detention of nine politicians and activists who dared to criticise former military coup leader, Voreqe Bainimarama’s government.

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