Fiji GPs chief criticises ‘misconstrued’ video supporting conspiracy theories

Dr Baladina Kavoa
Dr Baledina Kavoa at her surgery in Lautoka yesterday ... controversial social media video on vaccination. Image: Baljeet Singh/Fiji Times

By Repeka Nasiko in Lautoka

A video by a Fiji doctor on adverse side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine has been misconstrued to support conspiracy theories and myths not supported by any scientific evidence, says Fiji College of General Practitioners president Dr Ram Raju.

He said the college “does not condone any member spreading false information to the public”.

He was commenting critically about the video made by Lautoka-based Dr Baladina Kavoa.

“It is a time for all of our healthcare workers to unite and educate the public about the truth and dispel all fears,”Dr Raju said.

“Doctors are seen to be community leaders who should therefore exercise extreme care and restraint in posting any news on social media.

“The Fiji College of GP’s is fully behind the vaccination programme rolled out by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services and we support their efforts.”

He said they had held many seminars on this subject well before the first covid-19 case was identified in March last year and all the doubts were dispelled.

Vaccinations ‘can save lives’
“At the moment, the covid-19 vaccination is the only method which can save lives,” Dr Raju said.

“It’s just like giving vaccination for a host of other diseases to save lives, like measles, diphtheria, tetanus, pneumonia, hepatitis, etc.”

He said there were some vaccination side effects that were to be expected.

“Getting covid-19 is not a joke and these conspiracy theories need to be laid to rest.

“By vaccinating, you are protecting yourself, your family and the population of Fiji.”

  • The Fiji Times did not publish any comment by Dr Kavoa.

Repeka Nasiko is a Fiji Times journalist. Republished with permission.