Yearly Archives: 2021

Damage in Suva after Fiji's third coup in 2000.

ANALYSIS: By Wadan Narsey in Suva The opinion polls about voting intentions for Fiji's 2022 General Election suggests that voters face the horrible challenge of...
James Marape

EDITORIAL: By the Post-Courier editors Prime Minister James Marape has defended the massive cost of sending a 62-strong delegation to the COP26 Climate Summit in...
Covid-19 montage RNZ

RNZ News Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today that the New Zealand cabinet agreed to loosen restrictions for Auckland and upper Northland this week, while...
Greta Thunberg

COMMENTARY: By Graham Davis One of the great failures of Fiji’s climate action campaign has been the missed opportunity of not linking up with arguably...
PNG covid misinformation

ANALYSIS: By Fraser Macdonald, University of Waikato Only 1.7 percent of Papua New Guineans have been fully vaccinated against covid-19. This has been a cause...
Doofr-to-door checks needed

RNZ Pacific An Auckland councillor says he is astounded by the lack of cultural awareness shown by the authorities towards Māori and Pacific communities this...
Reverend Suiva'aia Te'o

By Justin Latif, Local Democracy Reporter Church minister Suiva'aia Te'o says proactive communication, compassion and clear information have led to a fully vaccinated congregation. Like most...
Suva climate march

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Police stopped a climate change march in Suva today and forced activists to remove their banners. They also warned demonstrators against making...
An Auckland climate rally

RNZ Pacific Pacific and European Union negotiators have launched the Blue Green Alliance at the COP26 Conference of Parties' climate summit in Glasgow. The EU's Ambassador...
NZ covid-19 delta variant

RNZ News A record 206 new community cases of covid-19 were reported in New Zealand today, as the total number of vaccinations in this country...
PNG Prime Minister’s Special Envoy and Minister for Environment Conservation and Climate Change Minister Wera Mori

PNG Post-Courier Papua New Guinea -- a country faced with a depressed economy and its public health system on the brink of total collapse due...
The Pacific Newsroom

SPECIAL REPORT: By Sri Krishnamurthi October 2021 was a horror month for Facebook as the headlines screamed “Facebook under fire” which started with the social...
Tonga Health CEO Siale ‘Akau’ola

Kaniva Tonga Tonga’s only suspected covid-19 case has tested positive when he took his third test today in Nuku’alofa. The latest result came after the person...
MIQ security cameras

RNZ News A second person with covid-19 who was isolating at home has died in New Zealand, the Ministry of Health has confirmed. In this afternoon's...
Tonga's Health Minister Associate Professor ‘Amelia Tu’ipulotu

By Kalino Latu in Auckland Health Ministry Chief Executive Dr Siale ‘Akau’ola says the ministry had not responded to allegations made on social media to...
Fiji gas guzzling vehicles

By Ajay Bhai Amrit in Suva Critics in Fiji are concerned about climate change hypocrisy at the COP26 Leaders Summit this week. Fiji Times contributor...
A Papua Green State rally

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk West Papua indigenous independence leaders today launched  "Green State Vision" at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, pledging to take decisive...
Climate wildfires

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and more than 60 environmental journalists of 34 different nationalities have appealed for respect for the right...
PNG National Court in Port Moresby

By Charles Moi in Port Moresby Employees of the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) have challenged the legality of the “no jab, no job” policy...
NZ covid-19 delta variant

RNZ News New Zealand's Ministry of Health has reported 139 new community cases of covid-19 today, with 64 people now in hospital with the coronavirus. In...
Australia’s aid to the Pacific has been "greenwashed"

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Australia is accused of using "diplomatic strong-arm tactics" to water down outcomes in Pacific climate negotiations and "buy silence" on climate...
Tonga’s Dr Siale 'Akauola

By Kalino Latu in Auckland A person who tested positive for covid-19 in Tonga has now tested negative, says the Ministry of Health CEO. Dr Siale...