Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk
Oro Governor Gary Juffa has welcomed a joint investigations team, led by Papua New Guinea’s Office of Immigrations and Citizenship Authority, to the province, reports the PNG Post-Courier.
The team, comprising police national fraud and anti-corruption directorate and Immigration officers, would visit several logging sites in the province to carry out spot checks to see if compliance measures are being met by logging operators.
These checks may include asset registration, visa compliance and logging permits and other compliance measures.
Juffa met with the officers on arrival in Popondetta on Tuesday.
He welcomed team leader John Bria and assured him of the support of the provincial government in the course of their investigations.
Juffa assured the Minister for Immigrations and Citizenship Authority, Wesley Nukundj, that the Oro government was ready to support the investigation and any related efforts in the province.
“Border security and border management efforts are not only restricted to the international borders, as immigrations and other relevant national government agencies have enforcement responsibilities throughout the country,” Juffa said.
Such investigations ‘essential’
“Such investigations are essential as government laws and policies must be enforced and those affected must be compliant with our immigration and border security laws.”
Juffa, who fought against illegal logging activities in his province, said he was relieved that a team has finally arrived.
“The management and administration of border security and border administration laws and protocols at the designated international entry and exit points are fundamental, however it is important that border security laws are enforced throughout the country to ensure that all foreigners are compliant with our border security and immigrations laws,” he said.
“Those found to be abusing our laws must be dealt with accordingly so effective enforcement becomes a deterrent to would-be abusers of our immigration laws and protocols.
“It is important during the global covid-19 crisis, that we, as a nation, must ensure that foreigners in the country have legitimate documents that confirm and authenticates their residency and business status in the country, and conducting lawful business in the country.
“While we welcome genuine business, and business people to contribute to the development of our country, all foreigners remain our guests, and as such must conform to our laws, and respect our constitutional laws and our people.”