NZ investigates person who died after travelling to China for coronavirus

Passengers at Auckland Airport, where flights from Guangzhou and Shanghai had touched down last month. Image: Liu Chen/RNZ

By RNZ News

The unexpected death of a person in New Zealand who recently travelled to China is being investigated for coronavirus, but a local district health board says virus is unlikely the cause.

The novel coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV, has infected 2800 people and killed at least 80 in China. The outbreak is believed to have emerged late last year from illegally traded wildlife at an animal market in Wuhan, Hubei province.

A small number of cases linked to people who travelled from Wuhan have been confirmed in more than 10 countries, including Australia, Thailand, France, Japan and the United States where authorities said they had 110 people under investigation in 26 states.

READ MORE: RNZ global updates on coronavirus

In a statement, Bay of Plenty’s District Health Board said investigations were common in unexpected deaths, but it was unlikely this person had been infected with the novel coronavirus.

Dr Neil de Wet, medical officer of health at Toi Te Ora Public Health, said they were undertaking this measure to rule out the virus as a cause, because the person had recently travelled to China.

There are no cases of the novel coronavirus in New Zealand to date.

Health advice is also being provided to travellers arriving to New Zealand from China.

The DHB said travellers who became sick within a month of their arrival were encouraged to seek medical advice and contact Healthline (for free) on 0800 611 116 or a doctor.

It said people should also mention any recent travel to China and any known contact with someone with severe respiratory illness who has been in China.

Reports of a suspected case in Queenstown earlier today turned out to be a false alarm.

This article is published under the Pacific Media Centre’s content partnership with Radio New Zealand.