Only two women elected in Solomon Islands – no new females

Women voters queuing at Nguvia in North Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands general election last week. Image: SIBC


Two women have been elected out of the 25 female candidates who contested last week’s Solomon Islands general election, officials have declared.

They are Lanelle Tanangada of Gizo/Kolombangara and Freda Tuki of VATUD constituencies who are re-elected members of the 10th Parliament.

There were no new female candidates elected in this general election.

Elected to Parliament in the Solomon Islands … Fred Tuki (left) and Lanelle Tanangada. Image: SIBC

A total of 25 female candidates contested 21 constituencies.

Three women contested the Central Honiara constituency, two each in North Guadalcanal and Vatud and one each for Gizo/Kolombangara, Shortlands, Gela, Central Guadalcanal, West Guadalcanal, Northwest Guadalcanal, Temotu Pele, Central Kwara’ae, Malaita Outer Islands, North Malaita, West Kwaio, East Honiara, West Honiara, West Makira, East Makira, Maringe Kokota, North Choiseul and South Choiseul constituencies.