Registrar confirms 44 parties for PNG’s 2017 general election

PNG Electoral Registrar Dr Alphonse Gelu ... limit of 44 parties set for 2017 general election. Image: Loop PNG

By Quintina Naime in Port Moresby

Papua New Guinea’s Registry of Political Parties has confirmed 44 political parties will contest the 2017 National Elections.

Registrar of Political Parties Dr Alphonse Gelu said the registry would continue the processes of registering political parties but it would not allow them to contest this election.

He said it takes about two months to register a political party before the issue of writs and therefore a political party must be already in the registration process.

“It takes a process of two months therefore if anyone wants to register a political party now to take part in this elections, it will not be possible,” Dr Gelu said.

“But the process will continue, we can register a political party but they will have to contest in the next national elections.”

Dr Gelu added that the registry was fully aware of the increase in the number of political parties.

He said that while the registry believed that the number was too high, the Constitution gave citizens the right to form political parties.

The registration fee for a political party is K10,000 (NZ$4370).

Quintina Naime is a journalist for Loop PNG.