‘Untouchable’ teen journalist challenges corruption at Indian rural schools


By Gregory Walsh

Nineteen-year-old Mukesh was born into a marginalised community in an impoverished region of rural India. Now he documents corruption in his region’s school system in an effort to transform his community for the better.

Mukesh Rajak’s childhood was marked by discrimination due to his status as a dalit, a member of India’s “untouchable” caste.

But an opportunity to attend a nonprofit private school led him to find his voice as a journalist.

In rural schools, corruption is rife: teachers take bribes, appear drunk in the classroom, and claim students’ stipends.

After Mukesh reported these concerns for one school, the principal was transferred, and bribes stopped.

“It’s quite fascinating that this young boy has been able to make so much of a difference”, says Indira, from the community news service Mukesh works for.

A 27min documentary by Gregory Walsh. Journeyman Pictures is an independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today.