Special UNESCO travel grants offered to Pacific educators for WJEC

World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC) conference July 14-16 ... Australian and Pacific WJEC preconference July 13.

The New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO,  with its event partner Auckland University of Technology,  is offering a limited travel assistance fund for up to 3 participants from the Pacific to attend the 2016 World Journalism Education Congress to be held in Auckland on July 14 -16.

There is also a Pacific preconference day of events and papers on July 13 organised by the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia (JERAA) in partnership with AUT’s Pacific Media Centre and Media educators Pacific (MeP).

This travel grant offers up to NZ$2000 to help cover the cost of travel to New Zealand and is only available to Pacific participants who would otherwise be unable to attend the congress.
To be considered for this initiative applicants must work as Pacific journalism educators.

The application must also include the following documentation:

• Abstract – to be presented for full conference presentation
• Short CV (up to 2 A4 pages)
• Application form
• Motivation letter that describes the benefits to your department and journalism education in your country for you to attend the congress (up to 600 words)
• Copy of quote for an international airfare (return flight to New Zealand)

The deadline for submission of application is: 1 March, 2016.  | Application form

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the selection process after 11 March,  2016.

Money will only be transferred upon confirmation of attendance.

For further information contact verica.rupar@aut.ac.nz

WJEC conference website

WJEC Asia-Pacific pages at PMC

WJEC page at JERAA – call for abstracts

PMC WJEC event page