AUT Pacific Media Centre launches news website

Pacific Media Centre director Professor David Robie, Pacific Cooperation Foundation CEO Laulu Mac Leauanae and Multimedia Investments CEO and Evening Report editor Selwyn Manning at the launch of tonight. Image: AUT

By Denise Yeo

AUT’s Pacific Media Centre and Evening Report editor Selwyn Manning have teamed up to launch Asia Pacific Report, a news website that will provide a fresh “Pacific” voice to bolster Asia Pacific news and analysis in New Zealand.

PMC director Professor David Robie says the collaboration is a result of a gap in the media market for an independent Asia-Pacific voice that addressed issues of equity and justice. will feature in-depth current affairs news stories focused on telling the ‘untold stories’. It will be a public space for no-froth journalism examining real pressing issues,” he says.

Postgraduate student journalists, academics and journalists around the region will contribute to news reports and features on the website which was launched today at AUT’s City Campus.

The idea for Asia Pacific Report was birthed from Professor Robie and Manning’s desire to bring the Pacific Media Centre’s work beyond the university, to serve a greater global audience.

Pacific Cooperation Foundation CEO Laulu Mac Leauanae turns the new AsiaPacificReport website "live" in Aucklland today. Image: Del Abcede/PMC
Pacific Cooperation Foundation CEO Laulu Mac Leauanae turns the new AsiaPacificReport website “live” in Auckland today. Image: Del Abcede/PMC

Asia Pacific Report will work closely with Manning’s company Multimedia Investments to enable the publishing of content into other global media outlets such as Dow Jones Factiva, Lexis Nexis, Moreover and Acquire media.

“Multimedia Investments will provide significant reach for the PMC’s reportage and analysis,” explains Manning. “We are confident Asia Pacific Report will be a significant outlet and a reliable source for public discourse and debate within the region.”

Pacific Cooperation Foundation CEO Laulu Mac Leauanae did the honours of launching the site, and a 15 minute documentary, The PMC Project, by Pacific Media Watch journalist Alistar Kata was also screened at the launch. She has just joined the Tagata Pasifika team this week.

The documentary was about the work of the Pacific Media Centre, including interviews with staff, student journalists and their projects.

The news at AUT

David Robie’s comment on Cafe Pacific

PMC launches new website – ‘fresh “Pacific” voice

Watch the documentary


  1. Hi David and colleagues,

    I’ve just had the chance to look over the Pacific Media Centre’s new news and analysis website and am impressed with its clean and functional design and the wealth of content there for anyone with an interest in Pacific journalism and media freedom.

    Congratulations to another refreshing collaboration between Evening Report owner and editor Selwyn Manning and Professor David Robie of AUT’s Pacific Media Centre!


  2. David. Truly inspirational initiative indeed. A beacon of hope for alternative to MSM in our region that is in dire need for fresh pairs or eyes, ears and voices for those ‘unseen’ ‘unheard’ and ‘unheard’ stories the wider public need to know. Was just telling my wife the other day I wish AUT and your set up is literally next door, I can visit when you launch new initiatives and convene interesting speakers or conversations. Anyway, at least those like me who are crazy enough to genuinely deeply believe in ‘citizen journalism’ in the fast growing social media platforms playing a more proactive constructive role have more reason to lend grassroots support to great initiatives like yours with a proven history of consistently building resilience into a more inclusive 4th estate in our region, SWPacfic and the wider Asia & Pacfic regions. All the very best to you and your team David and may the four winds from across our wider region bring you those much needed stories that enrich the tapestry of PMC story telling via Asia Pacific Reporting. Loloma. Mo

  3. HI David and Team, well done on the new initiative, the site looks great and I’m looking forward to more quality coverage of the region. You are one of the few good resources about the Pacific. Best of luck from the team at PiPP (

  4. Thanks for the many messages of support … here is a sprinkling of others received …

    Hi David,
    Great initiative. Good luck with it.
    Chris Nash

    Great work David. A very good resource.
    James Hollings
    Massey Journalism School
    Wellington, NZ

    Excellent news. Congratulations, David and all.
    Geoff Lealand
    Waikato University
    Hamilton, NZ

    Wow David, that is truly impressive – not only for the vision, but as a resource.
    Charles Riddle
    School of Media Arts
    Wintec, Hamilton, NZ
    Visit us:

  5. Congratulations on the launch of the Asia Pacific Report website – great initiative from David and team and a most welcome resource for educators and anyone interested in the regions!

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