Rainbow Warrior … launch of the new ‘last voyage’ and bombing book


This article was first published on Café Pacific

DELAYED video of last month’s launch of David Robie’s new Eyes of Fire edition about the last voyage and the bombing of the original Rainbow Warrior, marking the 30th anniversary of the sabotage in New Zealand.

This fifth edition (following two others in New Zealand and one each in the United States and United Kingdom) tells the story of the voyage of the first Rainbow Warrior, a Greenpeace vessel protesting against nuclear testing in the South Pacific, to Rongelap Atoll and the Marshall Islands.

Coinciding with the anniversary of the bombing by French secret agents on 10 July 1985, the launch brought together many of those who had been involved with the vessel over the years, including chief engineer Davey Edward, now head of the Greenpeace global fleet, who travelled out from the Netherlands for the reunion.

  • Editor: Alistar Kata, contributing editor of the Pacific Media Centre’s Pacific Media Watch project.
  • Reporter: Senka Bosnyak
  • Camera: Senka Bosnyak/Danni Mulrennan
  • Microsite for the book